A Deus, por sempre me conceder sabedoria nas escolhas dos melhores caminhos, coragem para acreditar, força para não desistir e proteção para me amparar.
Ao meu marido, Rodrigo, pelo apoio e pelo amor incondicional em todos os momentos, principalmente nos de incerteza -muito comuns para quem tenta trilhar novos caminhos.Meu grande amor, sem você, nenhuma conquista valeria a pena.
À minha mãe, Maristela, e ao meu pai, Gilberto (in memoriam), pelos exemplos de vida, amor, dedicação e caráter. Que dignamente me apresentaram a importância do amor, da família e o caminho da honestidade e da persistência. Vocês são a razão da minha existência.A vocês dedico essa minha conquista.
Aos meus irmãos
ABSTRACTIntroduction: During the academic trajectory different situations are experienced by nursing students. Some of them are described as being of greater impact and may have negative repercussions in the physical and emotional spheres for these students. Knowing the profile of these individuals and the stress factors, the presence of depressive symptoms and the quality of sleep becomes fundamental for strategies to improve the quality of the academic life to be developed. Objective: To verify if there is correlation between the sociodemographic, academic and lifestyle characteristics with the variables stressors, depressive symptoms and sleep quality of nursing students. Method: This is an observational, cross-sectional, quantitative study of 110 nursing students from a higher education institution in the city of Santo André, São Paulo. For data collection, a questionnaire has been used, containing sociodemographic, academic and lifestyle data, the Nursing Student Stress Assessment Scale (NSSAS), the Depressive Symptomatology Scale of the Center for Epidemiologic Studies -Depression (CES-D) and The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). For data analysis, we have used the Pearson correlation coefficient, the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and the Multiple Linear Regression Model. Results: For 68.18% of the students, "Professional Training" represented a high level of stress, while "Practical and Theoretical Activities" represented a medium level of stress. 78.18% of the sample had depressive symptoms, whose average of depressive symptomatology score was 25.82, above the cut-off point ≥16, and the "Depression" and "Somatic/initiative" factors obtained a higher score. Academics have been considered "bad sleepers" because they had an average sleep quality score of 8.89, above the cut-off point ≥ 5. In addition, 83.5% of the students slept less than 7 hours a night. The sociodemographic variables that correlated significantly with the stress factors, depressive symptoms and sleep quality were age, gender, work shift, students with dependents, single people and those living alone. Regarding the academic variables, it was evidenced that the time spent by the student to arrive at the university and to be a student of the third and fourth grades correlate significantly with the stress factors and depressive symptoms. Smoking time was...