Epilepsy has important consequences on functionality and social activities. There are few evaluation tools for this purpose. This study aimed to translate the Social and Occupational Functioning Scale for Epilepsy. It is a translation study, for which Beaton et al's. guidelines were used. Sixty patients over 18 years of age, with a confirmed diagnosis of epilepsy, were evaluated. The analysis of internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha) showed values between 0.55 and 0.72 associated with the original dimensions of the instrument, while the five dimensions identified by the results of an exploratory factor analysis showed values between 0.60 and 0.68, with different grouping of the structures of the original scale. Respondents had no difficulty answering the translated version of the Social and Occupational Functioning Scale for Epilepsy, but the statistics show the need for cultural adaptation to the Brazilian population.Keywords: epilepsy; activities of daily living; translating.
RESUMOA epilepsia traz importantes consequências na funcionalidade e nas atividades sociais. São escassos os instrumentos de avaliação para esta finalidade. Este estudo tem por objetivo realizar a tradução da Escala de Funcionamento Social e Ocupacional para Epilepsia -SOFSE. É um estudo de tradução, para o qual foram utilizadas as diretrizes de Beaton et al. (2000). Foram avaliados 60 sujeitos, acima de 18 anos com diagnóstico confirmado de epilepsia. A análise da consistência interna (alpha de Cronbach) apresentou valores entre 0,55 e 0,72 associados às dimensões originais do instrumento, enquanto as cinco dimensões identificadas pelos resultados de uma análise fatorial exploratória apresentaram valores entre 0,60 e 0,68, com agrupamento diferente da estrutura da escala original. Os entrevistados não apresentaram dificuldade para responder a versão traduzida da SOFSE, mas os resultados estatísticos mostram a necessidade de uma adaptação cultural para a população brasileira.Palavras-chave: epilepsia; atividades cotidianas; tradução.Epilepsy is a medical condition that has several consequences for the lives of individuals. Social and daily life difficulties are frequently experienced A study conducted with patients with epilepsy from a university fourth level epilepsy center described the main difficulties encountered by people with difficult-to-control epilepsy in performing daily activities and socialization. Difficulties in domestic, self-care, educational and formal work activities, as well socialization problems, have been described as the most frequent, demonstrating that seizure control alone does not seem to be sufficient for the patient with epilepsy to have a good quality of life 3,4 . This information confirms the multidimensional impact of epilepsy on people's lives, culminating with functional and social problems 5 .It is important to note that this impact may vary depending on the level of the country's socioeconomic development