Food allergy has a known impact on quality of life (QoL), but this has not been extensively studied during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The objective of this mixed methods study was to characterize the levels of anxiety of mothers of food allergic children aged 0-8 years, compared to families without a food allergic child, as well as health-related quality of life (HRQL) amongst food allergic children during the COVID-19 pandemic.
In a mixed methods study of Canadian mothers of children 0-8 years, food allergic cases and non-allergic controls provided demographic data, and completed age-appropriate anxiety questionnaires between 14-28 April 2020. Cases also provided food allergy-related data, and completed the Food Allergy Quality of Life Questionnaire (FAQLQ). In-depth interviews were subsequently conducted with purposefully-selected cases.
Of N=580, 5.5% were cases and 94.5% were controls. For mothers with children 0-1.5 years, anxiety levels did not differ between cases and controls. For mothers with children 1.5-8 years, anxiety levels were higher in cases vs. controls (p<0.05). Amongst cases, neither overall nor domain-specific FAQLQ scores differed between age groups (0-3 vs. 4-7 years), even after adjustment for confounding variables, including childcare during the pandemic. Qualitatively, 3 themes were identified: Unexpected challenges of food shopping; Less food-related food anxiety during the pandemic; and Differences/delays in food allergy testing and therapy.
Mothers with food allergic children reported high anxiety and poor HRQL. Yet, qualitatively, day-to-day food allergy management was better during the pandemic.