This study focuses on the systematic analysis and disclosure of the key factors affecting the formation and development of enterprises’ digital marketing tools. Based on the results of the scientific sources analysis, the types of factors of the marketing environment are systematized by origin (field of occurrence) into external and internal. External and internal factors of the marketing environment are key determinants of the formation and development of enterprises’ digital marketing tools. These factors interact, creating conditions for the introduction and effective use of digital technologies. The interaction of these external and internal factors forms the conditions in which enterprises implement and develop their digital marketing toolkit. The factors of the external environment are proposed to be divided into three groups: factors of the macro-, micro- and global environment. Internal factors of the marketing environment that arise within the enterprise and have an impact on the development of marketing potential are considered from the point of view of marketing tangible and intangible resources. It is proposed to divide the factors into two groups: general and specific, which differ in the level of universality and breadth of influence on various aspects of the formation and development of enterprises’ digital marketing tools. The characteristics of the forms of influence of external and internal factors on the formation and development of enterprises’ digital marketing tools are given. Having adapted the general factors of the marketing environment, a list of those that are specific and most important in the conditions of the formation and development of marketing in the conditions of digitalization is given. The article makes a practically significant contribution to the development of digital marketing, helping enterprises to successfully adapt to modern challenges and use digital opportunities in the most effective way. Understanding and using the factors that shape the digital toolkit allows businesses to become more competitive in the digital environment.