Digital convergence has reshaped a gamut of industry demographics in the 21C, comprised of cloud computing, healthcare, pharmaceutical, consumer supplies, government, defense, manufacturing, entertainment, and even on-line education, among many others. At the center of the web-convergence lies the problem of network bandwidth limitation. Traditionally, research has focused on two major resolution strategies in parallel: data compression to minimize the network traffic (i.e. algorithmic; software) and alternative conduit for data transfer such as wireless (i.e. infrastructural; hardware).Building a network infrastructure is extremely costly. In addition, maintenance and upgrade costs may be prohibitive, given the U.S. consumer demographics. To this end, the emphasis is placed on seeking existing infrastructure which connects business and residential entities.The objective of this research, therefore, is to seek the possibility and feasibility of (digital) data transfers via the extensive water and/or sewer network(s), while minimizing structural modifications to the existing infrastructure. To date, sonar has been proven to be effective. If successful, the value of this intellectual property may be immeasurable.