Objectives: We evaluated ‰ow parameters measured by phase-contrast magnetic resonance (MR) imaging (PC-MRI) of the portal venous system and liver stiŠness measured by MR elastography (MRE) to determine the usefulness of these methods in predicting gastroesophageal varices (GEV) in patients with chronic liver disease (CLD).Methods: In patients with CLD and controls, we performed PC-MRI on the portal (PV) and superior mesenteric veins; calculated mean velocity (V, cm/s), cross-sectional area (S, mm 2 ), and ‰ow volume (Q, mL/min); and determined markers of liverˆbrosis (liver stiŠ-ness [kPa]) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) platelet ratio index [APRI]). We visually assessed GEV and development of collateral pathways of the PV on routine contrast-enhanced dynamic MR imaging and compared patient characteristics, ‰ow parameters, liver stiŠness markers, and visual analysis among 3GEV groups, those with mild, severe, or no GEV with reference to endoscopicˆndings.Results: Child-Pugh grade, V PV , S PV , liver stiŠness, APRI, and visually identiˆed GEV (visible GEV) diŠered signiˆcantly among the 3 groups (Pº0.05). We investigated V PV , S PV , liver stiŠness, and visible GEV as independent markers to distinguish patients with and without GEV and examined V PV and visible GEV to predict severe GEV. Visible GEV showed low sensitivity (14 to 30z) and high speciˆcity (98z) for predicting GEV in patients with CLD. A subgroup analysis that excluded cases with collateral pathway demonstrated slightly improved diagnostic performance of V PV and liver stiŠness.Conclusions: Portal vein ‰ow parameters and liver stiŠness can be useful markers for predicting GEV in patients with CLD.