The paper presents a method to identify a system of several nonstationary independent transverse loads on a rectangular plate of medium thickness. The input data for solving the inverse problem are time-dependence of displacements or strains given at some points of the plate. Examples of numerical calculations to identify two or three loads are presented. The deformation of plates is modeled using a refined Timoshenko theory. Tikhonov's regularizing algorithm is used to solve the Volterra equations for the unknown loads Introduction. The need to ensure high efficiency of strength analysis of structural members contributes to the development of a branch of mechanics focused on solving direct and inverse problems to identify parameters of mechanical systems under static and dynamic loading [11][12][13][14][15][16][17].Of special interest are studies on ill-posed inverse problems. The possibility of solving such problems stems from the theory of ill-posed problems of mathematical physics, which is based on Tikhonov's fundamental works. This theory in combination with the wide use of computers made it possible to develop a method for solving ill-posed problems in solid mechanics [9, 10, 18], astrophysics [3], and thermal physics [5]. Serious results were obtained in [6] in constructing stable solutions by the averaging method for differential equations of motion with discontinuous right-hand sides.An important issue that needs to be dealt with in solving inverse problems of solids mechanics is insufficient data such as unknown impulsive loads on various structural members (plates and shells).1. Let us consider an elastic isotropic plate of medium thickness subject to several impulsive loads normal to the upper face. By an impulsive load is meant a nonstationary load acting over a time interval commensurable with the period of vibration at the lowest natural frequency. The behavior of the plate is examined over a finite time interval. We assume that the manner in which these loads vary is unknown but the areas of load application and their coordinates are specified. It is also assumed that these areas are simply connected (in the general case), and the normal loads within these areas are independent of the spatial coordinates.We choose a Cartesian coordinate system such that the midsurface of the plate lies in the plane xOy and is bounded by the straight lines x x l y = = = 0 0 , , , and y m = (Fig. 1), and the Oz-axis is normal to the plane xOy.