Background: Ensuring the quality of medical care is an increasing focus of health policy -participation in quality assurance projects is considered desirable and increasingly required throughout Europe. The European registry of quality outcomes for cataract and refractive surgery (EUREQUO) offers participating centres the chance to learn about and monitor their own results as well as compare them with national and European data to evaluate quality standards and trends. Material and methods: EUREQUO is a web-based quality register, which collects anonymous socio-demographic patient information as well as pre-and intraoperative data and, as far as logistic factors allow, postoperative data. Results: First year results for the hospital of St. John of God in Linz for April 1st 2010 to March 31st 2011 are available. Results suggest that the preliminary clinical investigation in the hospital of St. John of God is performed at an above-average level. Existing age related macular degeneration as a co-existing eye disease and pseudoexfoliation as complicating comorbidity are diagnosed here more often. In Europe nearly half the patients had a best visual acuity of the eye of less than 6/12; in our hospital the corresponding proportion was even higher. European data (including the hospital of St. John of God) revealed a rate of posterior capsule rupture of 1 %, whereas we performed an anterior vitrectomy more often. The intraokularlens design differs in Europe -we implanted aspheric lenses less often, but toric intraokularlenses more frequently.Conclusions: The quality assurance project fulfills the key requirement of continuous quality control for ophthalosurgeons. It provides an overview of trends in cataract and refractive surgery in Europe and enables single ophthalmosurgeons and participating centers to compare their results with national and European data. Key words: Quality assurance, quality management, cataract surgery, European registry of quality outcomes for cataract and refractive surgery (EUREQUO) Zusammenfassung. Hintergrund: Die Sicherung der ärztli-chen Qualität rückt im Gesundheitssystem zunehmend in den Blickpunkt der Gesundheitspolitik -die Teilnahme an Qualitätssicherungsprojekten wird mittlerweile europaweit gefordert. The European Registry of Quality Outcomes for Cataract and Refraktive Surgery (EUREQUO) bietet die Möglichkeit eigene Ergebnisse zu kennen und zu verfolgen, sowie diese mit den nationalen bzw. europaweiten Daten zu vergleichen und Qualitätsstandards und Trends auszuwerten. Material und Methode: EUREQUO ist eine webbasierte Qualitätssicherungsdatenbank, die anonymisierte soziodemographische Faktoren, prä-und intraoperative Daten und -soweit logistisch möglich -auch postoperative Daten erfasst. Resultate: Die Einjahresergebnisse des Krankenhauses der Barmherzigen Brüder in Linz beziehen sich auf den Zeitraum vom 1.4.2010 bis zum 31.3.2011, in dem österreichweit 5.144 Datensätze erfasst worden sind, davon 90 % (n = 4.568) im Krankenhaus der Barmherzigen Brüder in Linz. Im Rahmen der Auswert...