Th e fatty acids (FA) composition of sunfl ower (Helianthus annuus L.) determines its uses and health eff ects on humans, while oil content determines the price paid to producers. Th e hypothesis of this study was that agronomic factors (genotype, planting date, and N rate) will aff ect total saturated fatty acid (TSFA) concentration and oil content of sunfl ower. Additionally, Mississippigrown sunfl ower will have a diff erent FA composition than the original seeds produced in more northern latitudes and used for planting. A fi eld experiment was performed in four locations in Mississippi (Newton, Starkville, and two locations in Verona) to assess the eff ect of planting date (20 April, 20 May, and 20 June), N application rate (0, 67, 134, and 202 kg N ha -1 ) and genotype (hybrid, DKF3875, DKF2990, DKF3510, and DKF3901) on sunfl ower seed oil content and composition. Th e TSFA and oil content were signifi cantly aff ected by planting date, hybrid, and N rate. Overall, later planting dates increased TSFA relative to the fi rst planting, and in most instances TSFA concentrations in sunfl ower from the third planting was higher than in seeds from the second. Generally, the fi rst planting date provided the highest oil content of the four hybrids, the second planting reduced oil content, while the third was not diff erent from the second. Our results suggest that an earlier planting date may reduce the TSFA and increase oil content of sunfl ower in Mississippi. Regarding individual FA, overall, palmitic (16:0) and stearic acid (18:0) concentrations in sunfl ower seed grown in Mississippi from the fi rst planting were reduced relative to the respective concentrations in the original seed. Later planting tended to increase these two acids relative to the fi rst planting and relative to the original seed. Th e three minor saturated fatty acids (SFA), arachidic (20:0), behenic (22:0), and lignoceric acid (24:0) followed a similar pattern. Th is study demonstrated that agricultural factors such as planting date, hybrid, and N rate may signifi cantly modify FA composition and oil content of sunfl ower grown in Mississippi, suggesting that these could be used as management tools for decreased TSFA and increased oil content.