de vista dos interessados em fomentar o uso de tecnologias inovadoras de comunicação, este estudo contribui na exposição de fatores que promovem a adoção desses sistemas. Palavras-chave: Tecnologia. Adoção. Internet.
AbstractStudies have shown the existence of several factors that influence the adoption of communication technologies. In order to perform an empirical analysis covered of multiple influences, we chose to focus on Internet Telephony, as compared to other medias. Its gratuitousness is one of the key benefits, besides other resources available to the users. The research is based on a quantitative approach, where the data was obtained with the participation of 313 users. Structural equations modelling were performed to confirm relationships between the factors. Our results indicate that habit is the main influence towards the use of this technology, despite the toll free calls. The user's social network is a key driver for the formation of the habit of use of VOIP technology. Also, the accessibility posits itself as another positive adoption factor. From the point of view of those interested in promoting the use of innovative communication technologies, this study contributes to the exposure of drivers that promotes the adoption of these systems.