SummaryAn adequate assessment of the measurement uncertainty in a laboratory medicine is one of the most important factors for a reliable interpretation of the results. A large number of standards and guidelines indicate the need for a proper assessment of the uncertainty of measurement re sults in routine laboratory practice. The available docu ments ge nerally recommend participation in the proficiency schemes/ external quality control, as well as the internal quality control, in order to primarily verify the quality performance of the method. Although all documents meet the re quirements of the International Standard, ISO 15189, the standard itself does not clearly define the method by which the measurement results need to be assessed and there is no harmonization in practice regarding to this. Also, the uncertainty of measurement results is the data relating to the measured result itself, but all factors that influence the interpretation of the measured value, which is ultimately used for diagnosis and monitoring of the patient's treat ment, should be taken into account. So in laboratory medicine, an appropriate assessment of the uncertainty of the measurement results should have the ultimate goal of reducing diagnostic uncertainty. However, good profes sional laboratory practice and understanding analytical aspects of the test for each individual laboratory is ne ces sary to adequately define the uncertainty of measurement results for specific laboratory tests, which helps to imple ment good clinical practice. Also, setting diagnoses in medicine is a decision with a certain degree of uncertainty, rather than statistically and mathematically calculated conclusion.Keywords: ISO 15189, laboratory medicine, measurement uncertainty
Kratak sadr`ajAdekvatna procena nesigurnosti rezultata merenja u biohemijskoj laboratoriji je jedan od najzna~ajnijih faktora za pouzdanu interpretaciju rezultata. Veliki broj standarda i vodi~a ukazuju na neophodnost pravilne procene nesigurnosti rezultata merenja u rutinskoj laboratorijskoj praksi. Dostupni dokumenti uglavnom preporu~uju u~e{}e u {e -mama osposobljenosti/spolja{njoj kontroli kvaliteta, kao i svakodnevno merenje unutra{njih kontrola kvaliteta, kako bi se primarno proverilo izvo|enje metode. Mada svi dokumenti zadovoljavaju zahteve internacionalnog standarda ISO 15189, sam standard ne defini{e jasno metodu kojom treba procenjivati nesigurnost rezultata merenja i ne postoji harmonizacija u praksi. Tako|e, nesigurnost rezultata merenja je podatak koji se odnosi na sam izmereni rezultat, ali treba uzeti u obzir sve faktore koji uti~u i na interpretaciju izmerene vrednosti, koja se u krajnjem koristi za dijagnozu i pra}enje le~enja pacijenta. Tako da u laboratorijskoj medicini odgovaraju}a procena nesigurnosti rezultata merenja treba da ima za krajnji cilj smanjenje dijagnosti~ke ne sigurnosti. Ipak, dobra profesionalna laboratorijska praksa i razumevanje analiti~kih aspekata testa za svaku poje dina~nu laboratoriju je neophodno da bi se adekvatno definisala procena nesig...