Teaching and learning materials enhance teaching and learning by providing information, understanding concepts, developing problem-solving skills, encouraging reflective thinking, and being scripted to ensure children's success. Careful planning, monitoring, evaluation, and quality assurance processes like internal and external critical review, ethics, and copyright approval are necessary to ensure the effectiveness of learning materials. The study aimed to assess the quality assurance process of educational materials in Tanzania. The study employed a qualitative research approach, and data were gathered through the literature review. The United Republic of Tanzania's education and training policies, curriculum framework for basic and teacher education, basic, secondary, and teacher education quality assurance framework, and other related materials were consulted as the primary data sources. Content analysis of data was used to come up with a clear interpretation of information and a conclusion of the results. The finding shows that the Tanzania Education Policy talks about quality education and needs to give a straightforward guide on developing quality assurance tools for implementing the policy. The study found that the Tanzania Institute of Education has an excellent and well-organised guideline for the educational materials quality assurance process that can be adopted and included in the policy. The study recommends the inclusion of statements directing the quality assurance of educational materials in the education policy. Also, the study suggests requiring teachers to be included and involve student teachers in quality assurance since they are the critical implementers and users of educational materials.