In this study, we manufacture functional Korean dessert with improved antioxidant activity and storability by adding tomato powder to Yukwa. We analyzed quality characteristics, antioxidant activity, fatty acid contents, fat content, and the sensory characteristics of Yukwa containing tomato powder. The expansion degree of Yukwa was reduced by adding tomato powder and was lowest after adding. Colorimetric measurements, showed that the L value decreased slightly on adding tomato powder whereas a and b values increased slightly. TPA measurements showed, hardness and fracturability increase slightly on adding tomato powder. In addition fat and fatty acid content measurements tended to decreased, and DPPH radical scavenger activity and total polyphenol contents tended to increase. Sensory evaluations, showed that adding tomato powder did not significantly influence appearance or flavor, but color, taste, and hardness increased, and peaked after adding 8%, Texture was the lowest at 0%, but additions of 2 to 6% resulted in the same texture score. Overall preference score were elevated and similar for 2% and 6% additions, but a 2% addition was optimal for consumer taste and color.