Chaste tree and pine honeys were bought from three different producers (natural) and three local markets (commercial). The honey samples were stored for 30 months at room temperature. The shelf life of the samples was estimated for indices of HMF and diastase activity. The values for HMF formation and diastase deactivation fitted to a zero-order reaction. The highest rate of HMF formation was observed in the chaste tree honey as 2.674±0.013 mg/kg/month while the least value was observed in the pine honey as 0.435±0.037 mg/kg/month. The maximum diastase deactivation was determined in the natural chaste tree honey as 0.613±0.000 DU/kg/months and the minimum was 0.318±0.002 DU/kg/month for the commercial chaste tree sample. In terms of HMF, all honeys except commercial chaste tree honey, have exhibited longer shelf life than 30 months of storage. The results showed that the shelf life of the commercial honeys depend on the botanical origin, pH, electrical conductivity, temperature and storage.Keywords: Chaste tree, pine honey, shelf life, HMF, diastase.
HAYIT (Vitex agnus castus) VE ÇAM BALININ RAF ÖMRÜNÜN BELİRLENMESİ ÖzHay›t ve çam ballar› üç farkl› üretici (do¤al) ve üç farkl› yerel marketten (ticari) sat›n al›nm›fl ve bal örnekleri 30 ay oda s›cakl›¤›nda depolanm›flt›r. Bal örneklerinin raf ömrü HMF miktar› ve diastaz aktivite indeksleri üzerinden tahmin edilmifltir. HMF oluflumu ve diastaz deaktivasyonu s›f›r›nc› dereceden kinetik modele uyumlu bulunmufltur. En yüksek HMF oluflum h›z› hay›t ballar›nda 2.674±0.013 mg/kg/ay olarak hesaplan›rken en düflük h›z çam bal›nda 0.435±0.037 mg/kg/ay olarak belirlenmifltir. Diastaz say›s› bak›m›ndan ise, en yüksek (0.613±0.000 DU/kg/ay) ve en düflük (0.318±0.002 DU/kg/ay) deaktivasyon h›z› do¤al ve ticari hay›t ballar›nda belirlenmifltir. Ballar›n 30 ay depolanmas› sonunda HMF bak›m›ndan ticari hay›t bal› hariç di¤er tüm ballar daha uzun raf ömrüne sahip olmufltur. Bu sonuçlar ticari ballar›n raf ömrünün botanik orjin, pH, elektriksel iletkenlik, s›cakl›k ve depolamaya ba¤l› oldu¤unu göstermektedir.Anahtar kelimeler: Hay›t bal›, çam bal›, raf ömrü, HMF, diastaz.