Abstract-Individuals who show exaggerated blood pressure reactions to psychological stressors are at increased risk for hypertension, atherosclerosis, and stroke. We tested whether individuals who show exaggerated stressor-induced blood pressure reactivity also show heightened stressor-induced neural activation in brain areas involved in controlling the cardiovascular system. In a functional MRI study, 46 postmenopausal women (mean age: 68.04; SD: 1.35 years) performed a standardized Stroop color-word interference task that served as a stressor to increase blood pressure. Across individuals, a larger task-induced rise in blood pressure covaried with heightened and correlated patterns of activation in brain areas implicated previously in stress-related cardiovascular control: the perigenual and posterior cingulate cortex, bilateral prefrontal cortex, anterior insula, and cerebellum. Entered as a set in hierarchical regression analyses, activation values in these brain areas uniquely predicted the magnitude of task-induced changes in systolic (⌬R 2 ϭ0.54; PϽ0.001) and diastolic (⌬R 2 ϭ0.27; PϽ0.05) blood pressure after statistical control for task accuracy and subjective reports of task stress. Heightened stressor-induced activation of cingulate, prefrontal, insular, and cerebellar brain areas may represent a functional neural phenotype that characterizes individuals who are prone to show exaggerated cardiovascular reactivity. Key Words: blood pressure Ⅲ cardiovascular reactivity Ⅲ cerebellum Ⅲ cingulate Ⅲ insula Ⅲ orbitofrontal cortex Ⅲ psychological stress A cute psychological stress raises blood pressure in most individuals. A stress-induced rise in blood pressure results from autonomic-and neuroendocrine-mediated changes in cardiac contractility and peripheral vascular resistance. 1 These stressor-induced physiological changes are thought to provide metabolic support for adaptive behavior (eg, the "fight-or-flight" response). 2 Some individuals, however, have a tendency to show exaggerated rises in blood pressure that exceed the metabolic demands of psychological stressors. 3 Such exaggerated stressor-induced blood pressure reactions predict increased risk for hypertension, 4 stroke, 5 and preclinical atherosclerosis. 6,7 Blood pressure reactions to psychological stress are centrally controlled by brain systems that both cognitively process psychological stressors and coordinate autonomic, neuroendocrine, and cardiovascular activity with adaptive behavior. 8,9 Key among these brain systems are subdivisions of the cingulate, orbitofrontal, and insular cortices. 8 -15 Anatomically, subdivisions of the cingulate, orbitofrontal, and insular cortices can control peripheral physiology by reciprocal neural connections with cell groups in subcortical and brain stem areas that regulate autonomic, neuroendocrine, and cardiovascular activity. 8 -15 To date, however, it has not yet been established whether individuals who show exaggerated stressor-induced blood pressure reactivity also show greater stressor-induced neur...