Materials research studies are dealing with a large number of images, which can now be facilitated via image-based machine learning techniques. In this article, we review recent progress of machine learning-driven image recognition and analysis for the materials and chemical domains. First, the image-based machine learning that facilitates the property prediction of chemicals or materials is discussed. Second, the analysis of nanoscale images including those from a scanning electron microscope and a transmission electron microscope is discussed, which is followed by the discussion about the identification of molecular structures via image recognition. Subsequently, the image-based machine learning works to identify and classify various practical materials such as metal, ceramics, and polymers are provided, and the image recognition for a range of real-scenario device applications such as solar cells is provided in detail. Finally, suggestions and future outlook for image-based machine learning for classification and prediction tasks in the materials and chemical science are presented. This article highlights the importance of the integration of the image-based machine learning method into materials and chemical science and calls for a large-scale deployment of image-based machine learning methods for prediction and classification of images in materials and chemical science.