DOI: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2015.10.004
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Quality improvement learning collaborative to examine foster care guidelines

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Cited by 8 publications
(8 citation statements)
References 25 publications
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“…We were unable to improve the TIE to the AAP-recommended time frame, and authors of a previous study also found that adherence to the current AAP time frame is challenging. 7 There is no current evidence that clearly reveals that 3 days to IE results in better health outcomes than the 9 days we were able to achieve. According to the 2015 AAP policy statement, "[recommendations] represent consensus among experts in the field rather than recommendations based on research evidence because these topics have not been studied.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 72%
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“…We were unable to improve the TIE to the AAP-recommended time frame, and authors of a previous study also found that adherence to the current AAP time frame is challenging. 7 There is no current evidence that clearly reveals that 3 days to IE results in better health outcomes than the 9 days we were able to achieve. According to the 2015 AAP policy statement, "[recommendations] represent consensus among experts in the field rather than recommendations based on research evidence because these topics have not been studied.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 72%
“…There has been only 1 study that revealed adherence to this AAP recommendation was low (across 11 sites). 7 With our study, we are the first to examine interventions that focus on improving adherence to the AAP-recommended time to initial foster care evaluation (TIE).…”
confidence: 99%
“…Despite such efforts, evidence shows persisting gaps in achieving health care benchmarks for children in foster care. 10 - 12 National trends are reflected in some of the challenges faced by states, including ensuring seamless insurance coverage during the transition into foster care, maximizing the access pathways to health care providers, supporting foster caregivers in making and keeping appointments and ensuring effective health information transfer. 2 , 10 The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) engages its internal departments and divisions and external community partners to address these barriers to timely, comprehensive, and quality health care for children.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“… 13 , 14 The combination of flexibility and capacity to structure discussions allowed by the learning collaborative process seemed well-suited to the goals of this project. In examining child welfare health systems, Jee et al 10 used a learning collaborative process involving health care providers to examine best practices and the impact of different care models in adhering to clinical guidelines. They discovered variation within and between the care models and noted that the participants benefitted from describing their unique experiences.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Interestingly, many parents were open to the idea of stress reduction or therapy groups, because they perceived it as a way of getting therapy for the youth; many of whom were noncompliant with outpatient individual psychotherapy. Having colocation of group therapy in a familiar clinical space that was colocated with the medical clinic (Jee et al, 2015b) overcame some barriers to receipt of mental health care related to stigma because youth were willing to attend their medical appointments but not always willing to attend a mental health therapy appointment at a different mental health facility. In fact, this supported ongoing efforts to promote colocation of mental health care.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%