SummaryVenous thromboembolism (VTE) is a multifactorial disease that results from a conjunction of several risk factors, both inherited and acquired. The younger the person, the more risk factors are required to cause the disease. Since 1937, when the term thrombophilia was coined by Nygaard and Brown, and 1965 when it was used for the first time by Egeberg, a substantial increase in the percentage of patients with VTE and underlying thrombophilia has been reported, particularly after the discovery of the most common thrombophilic mutations, FV Leiden and FII G20210A. Presence of thrombophilia could be detected in as many as 50% of all patients with VTE. Thrombophilia testing has increased lately not only in patients with thromboses but also for other indications, however, whether the results will help in the clinical management of the patients is still unclear. Thrombo philia testing is most commonly performed in young patients with VTE, patients with recurrent episodes of VTE or with thromboses at unusual sites and in persons with positive family history. Whether the presence of thrombophilia influences the clinical management of the patient remains controversial. Patients with VTE and the recognized risk factors such are surgery, trauma, immobilization, pregnancy and the puerperium are at very low risk for recurrence, but prediction of the recurrence of VTE based on the presence of thrombophilia has not been sufficiently explored. Presence of clinical risk factors should be integrated in the strategy of VTE risk assessment. Since many risk factors, such as obesity, hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes and smoking are common for both arterial and venous thromboses, it has been suggested that VTE should be considered as part of a pancardiovascular syndrome, along with coronary artery disease,
Kratak sadr`ajVenska tromboembolijska bolest (VTE) nastaje kao rezultat udru`enog delovanja brojnih faktora rizika, kako naslednih tako i ste~enih. U~estalost VTE je direktno povezana sa staro{}u, tako da je u mla|em uzrastu neophodno udru`eno delovanje vi{e faktora rizika za nastanak venske tromboze. Prisustvo trombofilije se mo`e utvrditi kod oko polovine bolesnika sa VTE. Dijagnostika trombofilije je sve ~e{}a u svako dnevnom laboratorijskom radu, ne samo kod bo lesnika sa trombozama ve} i za druge indikacije kao {to su komplikacije trudno}e izazvane o{te}enjem placentalne vasku larizacije, a da nije u potpunosti razja{njeno da li }e prisustvo trombofilije uticati na dalji tok le~enja i sveobuhvatni pristup bolesniku. Naj~e{}e indikacije za ispitivanje trombofilije su tromboze u mla |em uzrastu, recidivi venskih tromboza, tromboze na ne uo bi~ajenim mestima kao i postojanje tromboza kod vi{e ~la no va porodice. Dijagnostika trombofilije se naje{}e ko risti kao pomo} u proceni rizika za nastanak recidiva VTE, mada je dosada{njim ispitivanjima pokazano da samo te{ke trom bo filije, kao {to su deficit inhibitora koagulacije, homo zigotni oblik mutacije FV Leiden ili udru`eni heterozigoti za FV Lei den i FII G20210A, predst...