Now, world system established post World War II -is witnessing radical changes that affected its economic, political and social components either negatively or positively. Firstly, there are negative impacts due to many crises, (e.g., Covid 19 Pandemic, Ukrainian-Russia war, supply chains shortages, and major changes in currency exchange system). On the other hand, the twenty-first century was called a behavioral economic era driven by big-data analysis and digital transformation. It is characterized with artificial intelligence, bio-technology, block chain, smart logistics, and internet of things (IOT). Therefore, the traditional approach of managing retailer as a machine -that needs input to produce output-is unquestionably obsolete. Many retailers face critical problems in creating or preserve a sustainable position in the retail market due to unpredictable business environment, risky competition, shortage in supply chains, and the political instability in many countries. Other retailers have lost their path to sustainability. However, Egyptian retailers -as part of the world retail industry-suffered of many barriers and challenges. They are in deep need to equip themselves with strategic tools to face these radical changes. Therefore, this research provided an innovative agile approach that considers retailer as a living organism that needs to continuously exchange utilities with its ecosystem components and to be fed by advanced innovation. The author suggested five main senses for a retailer to be a living organism. To achieve that, the author used a mix of quantitative and qualitative research approaches-to create an in-depth understanding of the living system characteristics, innovation applications, and managerial approaches. Egyptian"s retailers' top managers can use the research"s results as a road map to facilitate the utilization and adjustment of these -
التجارية و المالية اسات الدر مجلة األول العدد 2023unique criteria to create what is called a dynamic self-sustainable living organism retailer.