Objective: To evaluate user satisfaction about Physical Therapy services in the city of Teresina, State of Piauí, Brazil, and to characterize users' sociodemographic profi le and evaluate their satisfaction regarding the time required to setting up appointments and to provide services, reception, trust, ambiance, humanization, accessibility, effectiveness and expectations relating to the services received.
Methods:The sample was comprised of 376 patients who were selected at three physical therapy clinics in the private, municipal and state networks. A questionnaire on sociodemographic characteristics, access to services and user satisfaction was administered.Averages for continuous variables were compared by means of Kruskal-Wallis and Student-Mewman-Keuls tests. Results: Most of the users were women (62.5%), with a mean age of 49.5 years. They were married and illiterate, had family income between one and three minimum wages and were dependent on the national health system. They considered that they had easy access to the services. The means of transportation most used was buses, and it took them on average 28.8 minutes to arrive at the service location. The services users indicated that they did not have any diffi culty with the service, but 14% mentioned that setting up appointments and waiting times were problems they faced in the municipal and state services. Medical indication was the main reason for choosing the service. They trusted the service they received, and the expected treatment results were achieved. Conclusions: Despite the dissatisfaction shown, the majority (75.5%) were satisfi ed with the treatment they received and they said they would recommend the services to other users.Article registered in the Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry (ANZCTR) under the number ACTRN12609000830291.Key words: evaluation; consumer preference; health services.
ResumoObjetivo: Caracterizar o perfi l sociodemográfi co e avaliar a satisfação dos usuários de serviços de Fisioterapia em Teresina (PI), com relação à agilidade para agendamento da consulta e atendimento, acolhimento, confi ança, ambiência, humanização, acessibilidade, efi cácia e expectativa sobre os serviços recebidos. Materiais e métodos: A amostra foi constituída por 376 pacientes selecionados em três clínicas de fi sioterapia da rede particular, municipal e estadual. Utilizou-se um questionário contendo dados sociodemográfi cos, de acesso ao serviço e informações relativas à satisfação dos usuários. Foram calculadas médias para variáveis contínuas por meio do teste de Kruskal-Wallis e do teste de Student-Newman-Keuls. Resultados: Os usuários, na sua maioria, eram mulheres (62,5%), com uma média de idade de 49,5 anos (p<0,01), casados, analfabetos, com renda familiar entre um e três salários mínimos e SUSdependentes. Consideraram fácil o acesso aos serviços; o meio de transporte mais utilizado foi o coletivo, e gastaram uma média de tempo de 28,8 minutos (p<0,01) para chegar ao local de atendimento. Relataram não ter tido nenhuma ...