<b>Introduction.</b> Chronic somatopathies are usually progressive and may result in substantial psychological changes. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) ranks very high as a reason for physical disability in the world.
<b>Aim.</b> This study aimed at estimating mood, mental activity, efficiency, and tonus of the vegetative nervous system of patients with COPD.
<b>Materials and methods.</b> Colour Luscher’s test was used to survey 62 patients with COPD of mild and moderate degree, including 38 men and 24 women of the median age: 48±2.1. The control group, also tested, consisted of 56 essentially healthy people, comparable with regards to age and sex to the researched group. Colour Luscher’s test was applied to study psychological and social characteristics, as
well as the level of the «simpaticus» scale of the vegetative nervous system in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Decreased functional ability, increased uneasiness, and a high level of the «simpaticus» scale of the vegetative nervous system did not correlate with the gender of the patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Psychological and social characteristics of the patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease are provided and discussed considering their gender.
<b>Conclusions.</b> Irrespective of sex, COPD patients manifest a high tonus of sympathetic department of the vegetative nervous system, reduced efficiency, and increased anxiety. In male patients, striving for recognition, impressionability and sensitivity, lead to marked nervous pressure in connection with their attempt for self-esteem. In female patients, reduction in the factors of: instability of choice, emotional indifference, and pessimism, is marked.