INTRODUCTIONSkin is the largest organ of the body and also an organ of expression, it responds to emotion with blushing, pallor, piloerection, and perspiration. Brain and skin originate from the same germ layer, the embryonic ectoderm, and are affected by same hormones and neurotransmitters. Psychiatry is focused on the "internal visible disease" and dermatology is focused on "external visible disease". The field of psycho-dermatology or psychocutaneous medicine focuses on the interaction between the mind, the brain and the skin. The interaction between mind, brain and skin is variable. It's not uncommon for dermatological patients to suffer the psychosocial consequences of disfigurement; also psychopathological factors can play an etiological role in development of skin disorders and exacerbation of pre-existing skin disorders. Various studies have reported significant psychiatric and psychosocial comorbidity in at least 30 percent of dermatological patients. 1 ABSTRACT Background: Both psoriasis and neurodermatitis patients report psychological distress and impaired quality of life, but how they cope with it is area of interest. The objective of this study was to study and compare psychopathology, quality of life and coping mechanism in psoriasis and neurodermatitis patients. Methods: 30 cases each of psoriasis and neurodermatitis were assessed at dermatology out-patient department of a tertiary care hospital by using Symptom check list -90-Revised (SCL-90-R), dermatological life quality index (DLQI) and Brief cope scale (BCS). Results: All Patients with neurodermatitis perceived it as a problem and in psoriasis it was 90%.The quality of life (QOL) was affected in both more in neurodermatitis as compared with psoriasis. Neurodermatitis showed significant psychopathology on SCL-90-Rin parameters of interpersonal sensitivity and Psychoticism. Depression, Anxiety, Somatisation, Obsessive-compulsiveness were seen in both groups. Self-blame, religion, positive-reframing were used commonly as coping mechanisms in neurodermatitis while in psoriasis there was acceptance, active coping, planning, and self-distraction, use of emotional and instrumental support, positive-reframing. Conclusions: Quality of life is significantly lower in neurodermatitis. Psychopathologies were significantly high in neurodermatitis. Maladaptive coping styles were used in both groups.