The final products of mining enterprises are stored in open or closed areas-mineral storages. The duties of the surveyor service include monitoring of the volume of mineral, which is placed in storage. Requirements for the method of shooting and the accuracy of the received results are regulated by normative documents. Taking into account the introduction into production of modern geodetic technology survey of storage can be realized both methods of classical geodesy (the method of perpendiculars, total station survey) and with the use of GPS receivers, scanning laser systems, unmanned aerial vehicles or drones. In the article is given brief characteristic of specified survey methods and possible scope of their use. Based on the characteristic features of the storage: its form and type and taking into account possible method of measurement production (automated, non-automated) was developed method of selecting of survey. So, on the example of the open transshipment ore storage taking into account its form – medium and type – open and predominant use of automated methods of measurement production are survey methods recommended. Based on the results of the calculation of the storage volume was made the conclusion about compliance of received results with requirement of normative documents.