We associate to every quandle X and an associative ring with unity k, a nonassociative ring k[X] following [3]. The basic properties of such rings are investigated. In particular, under the assumption that the inner automorphism group Inn(X) acts orbit 2transitively on X, a complete description of right (or left) ideals is provided. The complete description of right ideals for the dihedral quandles R n is given. It is also shown that if for two quandles X and Y the inner automorphism groups act 2-transitively and k[X] is isomorphic to k[Y], then the quandles are of the same partition type. However, we provide examples when the quandle rings k[X] and k[Y] are isomorphic, but the quandles X and Y are not isomorphic. These examples answer some open problems in [3].