In the present paper we construct a properly defined quantum state expressed in terms of elliptic Jacobi theta functions for the self-adjoint observables angular position θ and the corresponding angular momentum operator L = −id/dθ in units of ℏ = 1. The quantum uncertainties ∆θ and ∆L for the state are well-defined and are, e.g., shown to give a lower value of the uncertainty product ∆θ∆L than the minimal uncertainty states of Ref.[1]. The mean value ⟨L⟩ of the state is not required to be an integer. In the case of any half-integer mean value ⟨L⟩ the state constructed exhibits a remarkable critical behaviour with upper and lower bounds ∆θ < sqrt(π^2/3 − 2) and ∆L > 1/2.