“…Based on its intrinsic characters, QSMs have found its power in differentiating diamagnetic calcification from paramagnetic materials [7, 39], quantifying the deoxyhemoglobin concentration [9, 12], depicting the deep brain structure [40], quantifying contrast agent concentration [41], characterizing white matter fiber tracks, and so forth [1–4, 42]. The potential clinical usefulness of QSM also has been shown in multiple sclerosis [6, 43], lupus erythematosus [44], Alzheimer's disease [45], Parkinson's disease [46], multifocal leukoencephalopathy [47], cerebral perfusion [41], hemorrhage [9, 48], function MRI [12, 42] in brain, and some applications in aorta, breast, extremity, kidney, and so forth [1–4, 42, 49].…”