Several non-mvasive techmques based on different physical prmciples have been developed to mveshgate skm function and have been used for patch test assessment. In the present paper, the advantages and the defects of these methods are described m the light of the more recent data available m literature. Meanwhile, the eye and the fingers still remam the simplest method to assess skm mitancy. Bioengmeenng techmques could provide efficient recording systems for monitormg skm color, skm blood flow and barner function damage, useful to the mveshgator rather than to the climc~an.Key words: Laser doppler veloc1metry -skm thickness measurements -remittance spectroscopytrans-epidermal water loss -patch test.
Accepted for publicatwn 2 September 1987
Bioengmeermg and the Patch TestIs the eye the most powerful, sensitive and reliable mstrument to evaluate skm disease? The question IS complex. New and sophisticated bwengmeenng techmques may offer valuable quantificatiOn for research purposes. There IS a need for non-mvasive, sensitive methods to quantify IrritatiOn, skm penetratiOn and skm functiOn m many fields of mvestJgatiVe dermatology mcluding patch test assessment.SubjeCtive climcal assessment of patch test reactiOns IS rapid and mexpensive, but sometimes unreliable, depending as It does on the bnghtness of the room, the patient's skm color (slight erythema can be perceived easily m skm types I or II), and the exammer's skill (2 different exammers may give different VISual scores to the same patch). Furthermore, the same degree of erythema can occur with two different edematous reactiOns. When should we score 1 for a palpable lesiOn and score 2 for a "more" palpable one? What IS the range between two degrees of edema? These questiOns are not merely academic, smce discnmmatmg between doubtful patch test reactiOns could be of great Importance for the correct management and follow-up of the patient. This review focuses on recent accomplishments, and on what remams to be done m the future to answer these questiOns.Several non-mvas1ve techmques based on different physical pnnc1ples have been developed to mvest1gate skm functiOn and have been used for patch-test assessment. The advantages of these bwengmeenng methods are represented by the possibility of collectmg data with objectiVIty and, by momtonng readings and values on a linear scale With recording devices, allowmg the companson of data gathered by different workers. Furthermore, parametnc statistics can be computed m order to analyse data and significance.
Optical Techmques
Laser doppler ve/oCimetryLaser doppler velocimetry (LDV) IS an optical