Background-We measured cardiovagal baroreflex gain and its vascular mechanical and neural components during dynamic baroreflex engagement in 10 young untrained men, 6 older untrained men, and 12 older, physically active men. Methods and Results-Our newly developed assessment of beat-to-beat carotid diameters during baroreflex engagement estimates the mechanical transduction of pressure into barosensory stretch (⌬diameter/⌬pressure), the neural transduction of stretch into vagal outflow (⌬R-R interval/⌬diameter), and conventional integrated cardiovagal baroreflex gain (⌬R-R interval/⌬pressure). Integrated gain was lower in older untrained men than in young untrained men (6.8Ϯ1.2 versus 15.7Ϯ1.8 ms/mm Hg) due to both lower mechanical (9.1Ϯ1.0 versus 17.1Ϯ2.4 mm Hg/m) and lower neural (0.57Ϯ0.10 versus 0.90Ϯ0.10 ms/m) transduction. Integrated gain in older active men (13.3Ϯ2.7 ms/mm Hg) was comparable to that in young untrained men. This was achieved through mechanical transduction (12.1Ϯ1.4 mm Hg/m) that was modestly higher than that in older untrained men and neural transduction (1.00Ϯ0.20 ms/m) comparable to that in young untrained men. Across groups, both mechanical and neural components were related to integrated gain; however, the neural component carried greater predictive weight (ϭ0.789 versus 0.588). Conclusions-Both vascular and neural deficits contribute to age-related declines in cardiovagal baroreflex gain; however, long-term physical activity attenuates this decline by maintaining neural vagal control. Key Words: aging Ⅲ nervous system, autonomic Ⅲ carotid arteries A recent report suggested aerobic exercise attenuates carotid arterial stiffening with age. 1 The importance of this observation is the impact stiffness may have on cardiovascular function. It has been hypothesized that barosensory vessel stiffening would profoundly affect autonomic circulatory control 2 and reduce cardiovagal baroreflex gain with age. 3,4 Indeed, some data indicate a direct relation between arterial compliance and cardiovagal baroreflex control. 5,6 However, basal estimates of vascular stiffness may not represent the mechanical stresses placed on barosensory vessels during the dynamic pressure changes that characterize baroreflex engagement. [7][8][9] Moreover, compromised neural function may play as prominent a role as decreased vascular mechanical function in reducing baroreflex gain with age. 10 We determined the impact of altered carotid stiffness with age and habitual physical activity on baroreflex function using our recently developed, novel approach to quantify vascular and neural components during dynamic baroreflex engagement. 11 Concurrent beat-by-beat arterial pressures, carotid diameters, and R-R intervals during vasoactive drug infusions provide insight into key steps of cardiovagal baroreflex regulation: mechanical transduction of pressure into barosensory vessel stretch and neural transduction of stretch into vagal outflow. On the basis of previous observations, 1 we hypothesized that lower cardiovagal bar...