Efficient text visualization in head-worn augmented reality (AR) displays is critical because it is sensitive to display technology, text style and color, ambient illumination and so on. The main problem for the developer is to know the optimal text style for the specific display and for applications where color coding must be strictly followed because it is regulated by laws or internal practices. In this work, we experimented the effects on readability of two head-worn devices (optical and video see-through), two backgrounds (light and dark), five colors (white, black, red, green, and blue), and two text styles (plain text and billboarded text). Font type and size were kept constant. We measured the performance of 15 subjects by collecting about 5,000 measurements using a specific test application and followed by qualitative interviews. Readability turned out to be quicker on the optical see-through device. For the video see-through device, background affects readability only in case of text without billboard. Finally, our tests suggest that a good combination for indoor augmented reality applications, regardless of device and background, could be white text and blue billboard, while a mandatory color should be displayed as billboard with a white text message.