We lay the groundwork in this first installment of a series of papers aimed at developing a theory of Hrushovski-Kazhdan style motivic integration for certain type of nonarchimedean o-minimal fields, namely power-bounded T -convex valued fields, and closely related structures. The main result of the present paper is a canonical homomorphism between the Grothendieck semirings of certain categories of definable sets that are associated with the VF-sort and the RV-sort of the language L T RV . Many aspects of this homomorphism can be described explicitly. Since these categories do not carry volume forms, the formal groupification of the said homomorphism is understood as a universal additive invariant or a generalized Euler characteristic. It admits, not just one, but two specializations to Z. The overall structure of the construction is modeled on that of the original Hrushovski-Kazhdan construction.