The characterization of the distribution of mutational effects is a key goal in evolutionary biology. Recently developed deepsequencing approaches allow for accurate and simultaneous estimation of the fitness effects of hundreds of engineered mutations by monitoring their relative abundance across time points in a single bulk competition. Naturally, the achievable resolution of the estimated fitness effects depends on the specific experimental setup, the organism and type of mutations studied, and the sequencing technology utilized, among other factors. By means of analytical approximations and simulations, we provide guidelines for optimizing time-sampled deep-sequencing bulk competition experiments, focusing on the number of mutants, the sequencing depth, and the number of sampled time points. Our analytical results show that sampling more time points together with extending the duration of the experiment improves the achievable precision disproportionately compared with increasing the sequencing depth or reducing the number of competing mutants. Even if the duration of the experiment is fixed, sampling more time points and clustering these at the beginning and the end of the experiment increase experimental power and allow for efficient and precise assessment of the entire range of selection coefficients. Finally, we provide a formula for calculating the 95%-confidence interval for the measurement error estimate, which we implement as an interactive web tool. This allows for quantification of the maximum expected a priori precision of the experimental setup, as well as for a statistical threshold for determining deviations from neutrality for specific selection coefficient estimates.KEYWORDS experimental design; experimental evolution; distribution of fitness effects; mutation; population genetics M UTATIONS provide the fuel for evolutionary change, and their fitness effects critically influence the course and dynamics of evolution. The distribution of fitness effects (DFE) lies at the heart of many evolutionary concepts, such as the genetic basis of complex traits (Eyre-Walker 2010) and diseases (Keightley and Eyre-Walker 2010), the rate of adaptation to a new environment (Gerrish and Lenski 1998;Orr 1998Orr , 2005b, the maintenance of genetic variation (Charlesworth et al. 1995), and the relative importance of selection and drift in molecular evolution (Ohta 1977(Ohta , 1992Kimura 1979). Unsurprisingly, considerable effort has been devoted, both empirically (e.g., Sawyer et al. 2003;Sousa et al. 2012;Gordo and Campos 2013;Bernet and Elena 2015) and theoretically (e.g., Gillespie 1983;Orr 2005a;Martin and Lenormand 2006b;Connallon and Clark 2015;Rice et al. 2015), to assess the fraction of all possible mutations that are beneficial, neutral, or deleterious. Until recently, the two main approaches for assessing the DFE have been based either on the analysis of polymorphism and divergence data (Jensen et al. 2008;Keightley and Eyre-Walker 2010;Schneider et al. 2011) or on laboratory evolution studies ...