Many applications of quantum information processing (QIP) require distribution of quantum states in networks, both within and between distant nodes [1]. Optical quantum states are uniquely suited for this purpose, as they propagate with ultralow attenuation and are resilient to ubiquitous thermal noise. Mechanical systems are then envisioned as versatile interfaces between photons and a variety of solid-state QIP platforms [2, 3]. Here, we demonstrate a key step towards this vision, and generate entanglement between two propagating optical modes, by coupling them to the same, cryogenic mechanical system. The entanglement persists at room temperature, where we verify the inseparability of the bipartite state and fully characterize its logarithmic negativity by homodyne tomography. We detect, without any corrections, correlations corresponding to a logarithmic negativity of E N = 0.35. Combined with quantum interfaces between mechanical systems and solid-state qubit processors already available [4, 5, 6, 7] or under development [8,9], this paves the way for mechanical systems enabling long-distance quantum information networking over optical fiber networks.Entanglement is a crucial resource for QIP [10]. As such, the ability to entangle fields of arbitrary wavelength will be important for linking nodes in heterogeneous QIP networks. Mechanical oscillators are uniquely poised in their ability to create such links, thanks to the frequency-independence of the radiation pressure interaction. The ability to entangle two radiation fields via a common mechanical interaction was outlined 20 years ago [11,12], and the intervening decades have seen the development of optomechanical devices [13] which are robustly quantum mechanical and routinely integrated into hybrid systems.Recently, mechanically-mediated entanglement has been reported between propagating microwave fields [14] as well as two superconducting qubits [15]. In both cases, the entanglement remained confined to the dilution refrigerator in which it was created. Here, we utilize an extremely coherent mechanical platform 1 arXiv:1911.05729v2 [quant-ph]