Quantifying the impact of early calcite cementation on the reservoir quality of carbonate rocks: a comparison of 2D and 3D process-based models Citation for published version: Hosa, OA & Wood, R 2017, 'Quantifying the impact of early calcite cementation on the reservoir quality of carbonate rocks: a comparison of 2D and 3D process-based models' Advances in Water Resources, vol. 104,
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AbstractThe reservoir properties of carbonates are controlled both by deposition and diagenesis, and the latter includes early calcite cementation which can exert a strong control on the evolution of subsequent diagenetic pathways. Here we investigate early cement growth in grainstones to quantify the impact on evolving pore space and partially to examine trends in the relationships between cementation and permeability. We compare process-based models of early cementation in 2D (Calcite2D) and 3D (Calcite3D). Both models assume polycrystalline and monocrystalline grain types, upon which grow isopachous and syntaxial calcite cement types, respectively. We also model two common rhombohedral calcite forms: the blocky form 0112 and elongated form 4041.Results demonstrate the effect of cement competition: an increasing proportion of monocrystalline grains creates stronger competition and a reduction in the impact of individual grains on the early calcite cement volume and porosity.Isopachous cement is effective in closing pore throats and limiting permeability, especially in the 2D model. We also show that the impact of syntaxial cement on porosity occlusion and therefore flow is highly dependent on monocrystalline grain location and direction of the grain crystal axis. This can lead to very different permeabilities in samples of the same porosity in both the 2D and 3D * Hosa, AleksandraEmail address: ola.hosa@ed.ac.uk (Hosa, Aleksandra) These results illustrate that subtle differences in early carbonate diagenesis, such as the exact location and orientation of the crystal axes of the monocrystalline grains, can have significant impact on the properties of cemented rocks.
Preprint submitted to Advances in Water ResourcesWe also highlight the importance of 3D, rather than 2D, digital rock modelling and flow simulation to obtain reliable rock properties predictions.