Impervious surface areas (ISA) are heavily influenced by urban structure and related structural features. We examined the effects of object-based impervious surface spatial pattern analysis on land surface temperature and population density in Guangzhou, China, in comparison to classic per-pixel analyses. An object-based support vector machine (SVM) and a linear spectral mixture analysis (LSMA) were integrated to estimate ISA fraction using images from the Chinese HJ-1B satellite for 2009 to 2011. The results revealed that the integrated object-based SVM-LSMA algorithm outperformed the traditional pixel-wise LSMA algorithm in classifying ISA fraction. More specifically, the object-based ISA spatial patterns extracted were more suitable than pixel-wise patterns for urban heat island (UHI) studies, in which the UHI areas (landscape surface temperature >37 • C) generally feature high ISA fraction values (ISA fraction >50%). In addition, the object-based spatial patterns enable us to quantify the relationship of ISA with population density (correlation coefficient >0.2 in general), with global human settlement density (correlation coefficient >0.2), and with night-time light map (correlation coefficient >0.4), and, whereas pixel-wise ISA did not yield significant correlations. These results indicate that object-based spatial patterns have a high potential for UHI detection and urbanization monitoring. Planning measures that aim to reduce the urbanization impacts and UHI intensities can be better supported.