We quantified horizontal transmission of three microsporidian pathogens, Endoreticulatus schubergi, Nosema lymantriae and Vairimorpha disparis that infect Lymantria dispar larvae in an experiment using caged, potted oak plants. Despite marked differences in the modes of spore release from infectious hosts, no significant differences in the transmission success to uninfected, susceptible test hosts were ascertained between the tested microsporidian species. The density of initially inoculated larvae and the exposure period, on the other hand, did influence the number of infected test larvae. Depending on the density of inoculated larvae (10%, 30% or 50%), between 0% and 26% of the test larvae became infected with one of the three tested microsporidian pathogens after an exposure period of 6 days. When the exposure period was 12 days, between 11% and 76% of the test larvae became infected.