The emergence of new strains, varying in transmissibility, virulence, and presentation, makes the existing epidemiological statistics an inadequate representation of COVID-19 contagion. Asymptomatic individuals continue to act as carriers for the elderly and immunocompromised, making the timing and extent of vaccination and testing extremely critical in curbing contagion. In our earlier work, we proposed contagion potential (CP) as a measure of the infectivity of an individual in terms of their contact with other infectious individuals. Here we extend the idea of CP at the level of a geographical region (termed a zone). We estimate CP in a spatiotemporal model based on infection spread through social mixing as well as SIR epidemic model optimization, under varying conditions of virus strains, reinfection, and superspreader events. We perform experiments on the real daily infection dataset at the country level (Italy and Germany) and state level (New York City, USA). Our analysis shows that CP can effectively assess the number of untested (and asymptomatic) infected and inform the necessary testing rates. Finally, we show through simulations that CP can trace the evolution of the infectivity profiles of zones due to the combination of inter-zonal mobility, vaccination policy, and testing rates in real-world scenarios.