35 Background: Sarcopenia is a complex and multifactorial geriatric condition seen in 36 several chronic degenerative diseases. This study aimed to screen for sarcopenia and fall 37 risk in a sample of Parkinson's disease (PD) patients and to investigate demographic 38 and clinical factors associated.39 Methods: This is a cross-sectional study. We evaluated 218 PD patients at the 40 Movement Disorders Clinic in Fortaleza, Brazil, and collected clinical data including 41 experiencing falls in the six months prior to their medical visit. Probable sarcopenia 42 diagnosis was confirmed by using a sarcopenia screening tool (SARC-F questionnaire) 43 and the presence of low muscle strength.44 Results: One hundred and twenty-one patients (55.5%) were screened positive for 45 sarcopenia using the SARC-F and 103 (47.4%) met the criteria for probable sarcopenia.46 Disease duration, modified Hoehn and Yahr stage, Schwab and England Activities of 47 Daily Living Scale score, levodopa equivalent dose, probable sarcopenia and positive 48 SARC-F screening were all associated with experiencing falls in the prior six months.49 Disease duration, lower quality of life and female gender were independently associated 50 with sarcopenia. Experiencing falls in the prior six months was significantly more 51 frequent among patients screened positive in the SARC-F compared to those screened 52 negative. 53 Conclusions: Sarcopenia and PD share common pathways and may affect each other's 54 prognosis and patients' quality of life. Since sarcopenia is associated with lower quality 55 of life and increased risk of falls, active case finding, diagnosis and proper management 56 of sarcopenia in PD patients is essential. 57 58 Key words: Parkinson's disease; Sarcopenia; Falls 3 59 60 INTRODUCTION
61Sarcopenia is a complex and multifactorial geriatric condition seen in several 62 chronic degenerative diseases. It stems from abnormally reduced muscle mass quality 63 and quantity and is associated to several negative outcomes such as falls, disability, 64 poor quality of life, institutionalization, hospitalization, and death [1]. The prevalence of 65 sarcopenia has increased and it has become a serious global public health concern [2].66 Patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) show higher prevalence of sarcopenia and higher 67 frequency of falls compared to non-PD patients [3,4]. Despite its importance, few 68 studies have assessed the prevalence and characteristics of sarcopenia in this population.
69Falls are a serious concern in PD with an annual incidence of 60% among PD 70 patients. The risk of falls is greater in this population compared to healthy individuals 71 and those with other neurological diseases with high risk of falls such polyneuropathy, 72 spinal disorders and multiple sclerosis [5]. It is very important to early detect sarcopenia 73 and fall risk in PD patients because they can benefit from simple interventions such as 74 high-protein diet and resistance exercise training [6]. 75 To the best of our knowledge, there are no large st...