of that agency provided a great deal of guidance and many weights. Susan Alderman and Dale Johnson of the Maryland Department of State Planning performed the computer analyses of Chapters 2 and 3. John Antenucci, now with the Kentucky Department of State Planning, also assisted. Dr. Hugh Canham, the primary author's advisor at the State University of New York, • Syracuse, ad vi sed and directed the research in Chapter 2. John H. Robinson and Dennis B. Smith of Dames and Moore, Los Angeles, did the computer analyses in Chapter 4. Eighteen persons, named in the text, contributed weights and other value judgments that were used in this report's screening models. They sustained their good cheer through many tedious exercises. Finally, we are indebted to B. Burke for her excellent typing. None of the above, however, are in any way respons~ble for any inaccuracies and shortcomings, which, as usual, rest exclusively with the authors.-i i i-PREFACE This report is one of a series on quantitative methods for nuclear power plant siting prepared by the BNL Division of Regional Studies for the Site Standards Designation Branch of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The other reports in this series are: TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued)