Cross-linked polymeric gels are widely used in applications ranging from biomaterial scaffolds to additives in enhanced oil recovery. Despite this, fundamental understanding of the effect of polymer concentration and reaction mechanism on the scaffold structure is lacking. We measure scaffold properties and structure during gelation using multiple particle tracking microrheology. To determine the effect of concentration, we measure gelation as polymer interactions are increased in the backbone precursor solution: below, at and above the overlap concentration, c � . To determine structural changes due to the gelation mechanism, we measure gelation between the same polymers undergoing both step-and chain-growth reactions using self-assembling maleimide:thiol and photo-initiated acrylate:thiol chemistries, respectively. We determine the critical relaxation exponent, n, a measure of structure. n decreases with increasing concentration, indicating a change from a percolated (c < c � ) to a tightly cross-linked network (c � < c). The gelation mechanism does not have a measurable effect on the scaffold structure.Time-cure superposition (TCS) is used to analyze dynamic microrheological measurements during gelation to determine Figure 3. Non-Gaussian parameters throughout the gelation of acrylate:thiol and maleimide:thiol gels plotted as a function of normalized time. Scaffold are measured for a range of concentrations of PEG-maleimide backbone, 3 wt % (a and e), 7.5 wt % (b and f), 10 wt % (c and g), and 18 wt % (d and h). [Color figure can be viewed at] AIChE Journal