cfu/cm 2 ) and internal pull latch (5.8 Log 10 cfu/cm 2 ). Based on the E. coli contamination, at least two people out of 100 CAB users might be potentially infected when they touch "hot" surfaces. These risks were modelled assuming transfer of potentially pathogenic E. coli from these surfaces to the mouth. The incorporation of risk-reduction measures, such as wiping of these surfaces or washing of hands, could potentially result in significant reduction of infection risks. The most significant risk-reduction intervention was determined to be wiping of the contact surfaces, especially twice prior to contact. A combination of risk-reduction interventions could further reduce the risks. This study shows that contamination of contact surfaces within shared CABs could lead to increased risks of infections, requiring measures aimed at reducing the associated risks. The risk assessment framework used in this study could therefore be applied in similar settings to estimate associated health risks with the use of such facilities.
Keywords Shared sanitation • Community ablution blocks • Microbial health risks • Quantitative microbial risk assessment • Risk reductionWe regret to state that Prof. C. Buckley passed away while this manuscript was under review.