Single nanoparticle collision (SNC) technology has attracted increasing attention to explore single nanoparticle electrochemistry. By improving the temporal resolution of electrochemical recording, several recent studies have uncovered the intermittent electron transfer processes during the SNC of single silver nanoparticles. The electrode current curve displayed multiple current peaks that were completely separated, instead of a single peak. In the present work, we employed surface plasmon resonance microscopy to monitor the collision and oxidation processes of single silver nanoparticles. Simultaneous optical and electrochemical recordings provided comprehensive capability to correlate the physical movement of nanoparticles (from optical signal) and the electron transfer activity (from electrochemical signal). While previous studies hypothesized the physical detachment of nanoparticles from the electrode due to electrostatic repulsion or Brownian motion, the optical imaging revealed that nanoparticles often remained in physical touch with the electrode even though no electron transfer was occurring. These results demonstrated that the electrical contact between nanoparticle and electrode, which could be rather stochastic due to thermal motion and micro-convection, played critical roles in regulating the multi-peak behavior of single silver nanoparticles.In the past several decades, nanoparticles (NPs) have found a wide range of applications in many different areas, including electrocatalysis, electrochemical sensing and fuel cells, because of their unique structure-dependent properties. [1][2][3] The electrochemical properties of NPs are dependent strongly on their size, shape and surface states. [4][5][6] Because of the inherent heterogeneity of NPs in terms of both structure and activity, single NP electrochemistry has been emerging rapidly due to its capability for resolving the electrochemical activity at single NP level and for offering another opportunity to establish the structure-activity relationship in a bottom-up manner. [7][8][9] In order to achieve this goal, a new strategy has emerged rapidly in the field of nanoelectrochemistry, namely single nanoparticle collision (SNC). [10][11][12] This method has received widespread attention once proposed because it is simple, speedy, cost-effective and because it can detect the electrochemical response of a large number of individual NPs. The key factor in identifying a single collision event was the use of an ultramicroelectrode (UME) as the working electrode, which not only decreased the collision frequency, but also greatly reduced the background noise. In collision experiments, the frequency of collision, the magnitude and shape of the current response can provide rich information about NPs, including size distribution, concentration, and diffusion coefficient. [13][14][15] Many groups have conducted intensive explorations in this field and achieved a series of remarkable research results. [16][17][18][19][20][21] Based on the different mechanisms, SNC ...