Prior to cracking, reinforced concrete (RC) has full-interaction (FI) behavior, that is there is negligible slip between adjacent elements. After cracking, the regions in the vicinity of a crack exhibit partial-interaction (PI), that is relative slip between elements occurs. RC development has in the past relied heavily on FI strain based approaches and, consequently, they are in general not able to directly simulate the PI behavior associated with RC. Because of this deficiency in simulation, safe design rules have had to be developed either empirically or semi-empirically using a vast amount of member level testing to calibrate correction factors which are applied to virtually all aspects of RC design. As a result of this reliance on experimental calibration, the application of these empirical rules is limited by the range of testing that has been undertaken and this creates a feedback loop necessitating the further testing of large scale elements. In this paper, it is shown that a displacement based approach, that is a PI approach, can directly simulate through mechanics the RC PI behaviors and, hence, significantly reduces the need for member testing required to develop design rules. It is shown how only material testing is required in order to quantify the member behavior which, consequently, should both reduce the cost of development and expedite the development of safe design rules for a particular type of fiber concrete.
K E Y W O R D Sdisplacement based analysis, design philosophy, fibre reinforced concrete, reinforced concrete, prestressed concrete
| INTRODUCTIONEuler-Bernoulli beam theory is most commonly applied on the basis of plane sections remaining plane with the corollary of a linear strain profile. The simplicity of dealing with strains (which generally allow for the smearing of localized behavior) rather than displacements (which require the consideration of localized behavior) has driven RC analysis, development and design until quite recently. [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13] The underlying limitation of strain based approaches is that they, in general, are based on the assumption of full-interaction (FI) and therefore do not simulate directly the partial-interaction (PI) mechanisms that are observed in practice. To bridge the gap between the underlying assumption of FI and experimental observation, it has been necessary to develop empirical or semi-empirical correction or "fudge" factors such that the