Conventional Kinesin (Kin-1), which is responsible for directional transport of cellular vesicles, takes multiple nearly uniform 8.2 nm steps by consuming one ATP molecule per step as it walks towards the plus end of the microtubule (MT). Despite decades of intensive experimental and theoretical studies there are gaps in the elucidation of key steps in the catalytic cycle of kinesin. For example, how the motor waits for ATP to bind to the leading head has become controversial. Two experiments using a similar protocol, which follow the movement of a large gold nanoparticle attached to one of the motor heads, have arrived at different conclusions. One of them (1) asserts that kinesin waits for ATP in a state with both heads bound to the MT, whereas the other (2) shows that ATP binds to the leading head after the trailing head is detached. In order to discriminate between these two scenarios, we developed a minimal model, which analytically predicts the outcomes of a number of experimental observables quantities, such as the distribution of run length [P (n)], the distribution of velocity [P (v)], and the randomness parameter as a function of an external resistive force (F ) and ATP concentration ([T]). We find that P (n) is insensitive to the waiting state of kinesin. The bimodal velocity distribution P (v) depends on the ATP waiting states of kinesin. The differences in P (v) as a function of F between the two models may be amenable to experimental testing. Most importantly, we predict that the F and [T] dependence of the randomness parameters differ qualitatively depending on whether ATP waits with both heads bound to the MT or with detached tethered head. The randomness parameters as a function of F and [T] can be quantitatively measured from stepping trajectories with very little prejudice in data analysis. Therefore, an accurate measurement of the randomness parameter and the velocity distribution as a function of load and nucleotide concentration could resolve the apparent controversy, thus providing insights into the waiting state of kinesin for ATP. A. Chemical randomness parameter, r C 8 B. Mechanical randomness parameter, r M 9 C. Derivation of mechanical randomness parameter with backward steps 11 IV. Two models for how kinesin waits for ATP 17 V. Variant of 1HB model: k − is independent of [T] 20 VI. Fitting theory to experimental data 21 References 23 2 I. DERIVATION OF THE RUN LENGTH DISTRIBUTION The summation in Eq.(4) in the main text, P (n) = ∞ m,l=0(m + l)! m!l! can be carried out for n > 0, leading to, P (n > 0) =