For the past 30 years, Caicos Platform has been an important area for studies of Holocene and Pleistocene carbonate successions and a destination for numerous geoscientists interested in learning about modern carbonate sedimentary systems. During the past few years there has been a renewed interest in understanding the geology of the platform, stemming in large part from recognition in the petroleum industry that more refined reservoir models of carbonate systems are needed both in exploration and development. The impetus for the workshop and the publication was a desire to bring together both present and past Caicos Platform workers with those not familiar with the Platform to share knowledge on the Holocene and Pleistocene Sedimentology, diagenesis, platform evolution, and the applicability of the platform as an analogue for ancient isolated carbonate platforms. This volume should serve as an intermediate-term documentation of research efforts and a spur for additional studies to better understand controls on sediment distribution, diagenesis, and the evolution of platform growth, furthering the Caicos Platform as an analogue for ancient, isolated, carbonate platforms. (CD publication) Catalog #70022 • SEPM Member Price: $48.00
SEPM Special Publication #88
Sediment-Organism Interactions: A Multifaceted IchnologyEdited by : Richard G. Bromley, Luis A. Buatois, Gabriela Mangano, Jorge F. Genise and Ricardo N. Melchor The field of Ichnology bridges the gap between the areas of paleontology and sedimentology, but has connections to many subdisciplines within these areas. Biogenic structures record the behavior of their tracemakers and provide valuable information in paleoecologic and paleoenvironmental analysis. As in situ ethologic structures, trace fossils or ichnofossils yield valuable insights into the paleoecology of ancient benthic communities and the environmental dynamics of depositional systems. Ichnology is truly a multifaceted field, and a broad selection of its facets is represented in the 28 papers of this volume. The papers are the product of Ichnia 2004, the First International Congress on Ichnology. Several symposium volumes, books, and short-course notes have been published in recent years and ichnology can be considered a particularly active research area in steady growth. The 28 papers herein are arranged in five groups that reveal the broad scope of ichnology.Catalog #40088 • SEPM Member Price: $100.00
SEPM Special Publication #89
Controls on Carbonate Platform and Reef Development Edited by: Jeff Lukasik and J.A. (Toni) SimoCarbonate platforms and reefs emerge, grow and die in response to intrinsic and extrinsic mechanisms forced primarily by tectonics, oceanography, climate, ecology and eustasy. These mechanisms, or controls, create the physical, biological and chemical signals accountable for the myriad of carbonate depositional responses that, together, form the complex depositional systems present in the modern and ancient settings. If we are to fully comprehend these sy...