The thermodynamic properties of iron
oxides in water are known
to depend on both particle size and aggregation state. Smaller particles
have larger surface areas and, as a result, more surface energy; however,
aggregation diminishes this effect. Determining the quantitative relationships
among particle size, thermodynamic properties, and aggregation states
in aqueous systems is complicated by the fact that the solution chemistry
simultaneously influences both the aggregation states and the surface
chemistries of hydrated iron oxide particles. Previous thermodynamic
studies have implicitly assumed that specific surface energy values
are pH-independent, but this assumption is at odds with the knowledge
that surface complexation reactions, particularly with protons, alter
surface energies. The objective of this study was to systematically
quantify how the surface energy of goethite (α-FeOOH) in water
varies as a function of the pH and particle size in a KCl electrolyte.
We synthesized four batches of goethite with different primary particle
sizes and morphologies, calculated their surface energies in water
using measured reduction potential values and thermodynamic relationships,
and approximated their aggregation states using dynamic light scattering
and measured reduction potential values. At near-neutral pH values,
differences in goethite surface energies could be explained by accounting
for variances in reactive surface areas controlled by aggregation.
However, at a mildly acidic pH, goethite exhibited a significantly
different specific surface energy value, consistent with the change
in the goethite surface charge changing. These findings highlight
the critical influence of solution pH on surface thermodynamics that
must be incorporated into concepts of how iron oxide particle size
affects the reactivity and equilibrium relationships in aqueous environments.