Cholesterol is a primary lipid molecule in the brain
that contains
one-fourth of the total body cholesterol. Abnormal cholesterol homeostasis
is associated with neurodegenerative disorders. Mass spectrometry
imaging (MSI) technique is a powerful tool for studying lipidomics
and metabolomics. Among the MSI techniques, desorption electrospray
ionization-MSI (DESI-MSI) has been used advantageously to study brain
lipidomics due to its soft and ambient ionization nature. However,
brain cholesterol is poorly ionized. To this end, we have developed
a new method for detecting brain cholesterol by DESI-MSI using low-temperature
plasma (LTP) pretreatment as an ionization enhancement. In this method,
the brain sections were treated with LTP for 1 and 2 min prior to
DESI-MSI analyses. Interestingly, the MS signal intensity of cholesterol
(at m/z 369.35 [M + H – H2O]+) was more than 2-fold higher in the 1 min LTP-treated
brain section compared to the untreated section. In addition, we detected
cholesterol, more specifically excluding isomers by targeted-DESI-MSI
in multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) mode and similar results were
observed: the signal intensity of each cholesterol transition (m/z 369.4 → 95.1, 109.1, 135.1,
147.1, and 161.1) was increased by more than 2-fold due to 1 min LTP
treatment. Cholesterol showed characteristic distributions in the
fiber tract region, including the corpus callosum and anterior commissure,
anterior part of the brain where LTP markedly (p <
0.001) enhanced the cholesterol intensity. In addition, the distributions
of some unknown analytes were exclusively detected in the LTP-treated
section. Our study revealed LTP pretreatment as a potential strategy
to ionize molecules that show poor ionization efficiency in the MSI