A model has been developed from experimental results to describe the passage and utilization of fuel after injection to its exhaust as fuel products or loss to the crankcase during warm-up after a cold start. Engine-out emissions of unburned hydrocarbons (HCs) and carbon monoxide can be predicted for both quasi-steady and transient engine operating conditions during warm-up. The model is phenomenological. Model coefficients, which are either constants or simple functions of engine coolant temperature, have been determined for best matching of predictions to experimental data covering a wide range of conditions. The model has been used to investigate the variation in in-cylinder fuel film mass, fuel lost to the crankcase, exhaust air-fuel ratio variations and engine-out emissions. The dependence of these on steady and transient engine operating conditions is described.Keywords: spark ignition engines, cold operation, in-cylinder fuel films, fuel loss to crankcase, hydrocarbon and CO emissions, model and experiment NOTATION AFR airborne air-fuel ratio of the airborne mixture AFR comb air-fuel ratio of the combusted mixture CO vol % carbon monoxide concentration (vol %) mass of fuel within the piston crevices m crev (g) mass of deposits in the combustion m d chamber (g) m port mass of fuel within the port film (g) mass of fuel within the cylinder wall m wall film (g) molar mass of carbon monoxide m CO (kg/kmol) molar mass of exhaust products m exh (kg/kmol) air mass flowrate (g/s) m ; air m ; bulk HC mass flowrate of unburned hydrocarbons (HCs) from the bulk mixture (g/s) m ; crev rate of change in the fuel mass in the piston crevices (g/s) m ; crev HC mass flowrate of unburned HCs from the piston crevices (g/s) m ; cycle HC mass flowrate of unburned HCs from intracycle source (g/s) rate of fuel returning to the cylinder m ; cyl from the piston crevices (g/s) m ; CO mass flowrate of carbon monoxide (g/s) rate of fuel deposition to the cylinder m ; dep wall film (g/s) m ; exh mass flowrate of fuel products (g/s) mass flowrate of unburned HCs in the m ; exh HC exhaust (g/s) rate of fuel delivery by the injectors m ; inj (g/s) m ; ind rate of fuel induction to the cylinder (g/s) rate of change in the port film mass m ; port (g/s) m ; ret rate of fuel returning from the cylinder film (g/s) m ; sump rate of fuel loss to the oil sump from the piston crevices (g/s) m ; wall rate of change in the cylinder wall film mass (g/s) mass flowrate of unburned HCs from m ; wall HC the cylinder wall film (g/s) N engine speed (r/min) time when first fire occurs (s) t 0 engine coolant temperature (°C) T X fraction of injected fuel deposited on the port surface The MS was recei6ed on