Introduction and ScopeMolecular recognition is the basis of both biological systems and many chemical technologies. When Emil Fischer in 1894 put forward the first model for molecular recognition in the form of his famous lock-and-key principle, he could not anticipate that chemists would one day produce fully synthetic systems of this kind. It took almost 100 years until completely artificial complexes were developed, in which a host molecule embraces a guest molecule in the way that Fischer believed to be the basis of enzyme function. In 1987 the Nobel Prize award to Cram, Lehn, and Pedersen highlighted how far chemistry had gone in these directions. In recent decades, the field, which Cram named "host-guest chemistry," and Lehn called "supramolecular chemistry," has experienced a virtual explosion (see monographs [1-8]). Countless groups over the world are now synthesizing host structures with intricate binding properties for a large array of targets and analyzing supramolecular complexes with rapidly developing physical methods. Coordination chemistry is traditionally directed towards transition metal ion complexation but can provide much additional, and sometimes overlooked, information on principles ruling the spontaneous formation of host-guest complexes.Empirical analyses of structures and energetics in synthetic supramolecular complexes can provide insight into the non-covalent interaction mechanisms and attribute energy values to each of them. Much of the principles and quantitative information learned from these complexes can be of use for the understanding of biological systems and, e.g., the design of bioactive ligands. Most of the efforts in modern supramolecular chemistry are of course directed towards new technologies in separation, sensors, materials, information storage and processing, energy conversion, artificial enzymes, etc. At the same time, these systems provide many new models for molecular recognition processes and a wealth of information on the underlying interactions. Synthetic chemistry is able to deliver biomimetic as well as unnatural host compounds in which every desired function can be implemented. These functions can be directed towards any given substrate site and can be designed to work in any environment, be it in the ground state or the transition state.