“…Literature for closed bodies see: Bach, 1959aBach, , b, l966,1967aBach, , 1967bHaug, 1967f;DeHoff & Bousquet, 1970;Saltykov, 1958Saltykov, , 1967Scheil, 1931;Schwartz, 1934;Underwood, 1968; for fibres see: Haug, 1967bHaug, , 1968 (6) The measurements of the topological parameters of the neuronal dendrites are a specific problem. Details are given by Colon & Smit, 1970a, 1970b, van der Loos, 1960Schade & Meeter, 1963;Sholl, 1953Sholl, , 1956 Before measuring the tissues they will be prepared as usual according to the dimensions of evaluation. The shrinkage caused by fixation and embedding must be taken into consideration for the measurement.…”