Plio-Pleistocene alkali basalt hosted mafic garnet granulite xenoliths were studied from the Bakony-Balaton Highland Volcanic Field (BBHVF) to trace fluid-melt-rock interactions in the lower crust. Two unique mafic garnet granulite samples were selected for analyses (optical microscopy, microthermometry, electron microprobe, Raman and IR spectroscopy), which contain clinopyroxene-plagioclase vein and patches with primary silicate melt inclusions (SMI). The samples have non-equilibrium microtexture in contrast with overwhelming majority of previously studied mafic garnet granulite xenoliths. Primary silicate-melt inclusions were observed in plagioclase, clinopyroxene and ilmenite in both xenoliths. The SMI-bearing minerals located randomly in Mi26 and in a clinopyroxene-plagioclase vein on the edge of Sab38 granulites. Petrography, fluid and melt inclusion study suggests that at least three fluid events occurred in the deep crust represented by these xenoliths. 1. Primary CO2-dominated±CO±H2S fluid inclusions were observed in the wall-rock part of Sab38 xenolith. 2. The crystallization of new clinopyroxene from melt, with CO2+H2O fluid. 3. The crystallization of new plagioclase occurred in a heterogeneous fluid-melt system with additional N2 and CH4 during crystallization. A local reaction was observed between sphene and acidic melt, which formed ilmenite+clinopyroxene+plagioclase±orthopyroxene.The 'water' content of the rock forming minerals was determined by infrared spectroscopy. The calculated bulk 'water' content of the Mi26 xenolith is 171±51 ppm
Powered by Editorial Manager® and ProduXion Manager® from Aries Systems Corporationwt. %. The bulk wall rock part of the Sab38 granulite contains 55±17 ppm wt. % of 'water', whereas the bulk plagioclase-clinopyroxene vein contains 278±83 ppm wt. %. These results imply a very dry lower crust, locally hydrated by percolating fluids and melts.Response to Reviewers: Replies to the comments of the Reviewer #1 and to the general comments of Reviewer #2.Reviewer #1: Page 2 Line 49: thinner or thicker?We corrected the word in question.Page 3 Line 18: Please describe the precision and accuracy of the energy-dispersive method.We clarified the asked method in the 'Analytical technique' section.Page 3 Line 46: "atmpspheric" should be "atmospheric". We corrected the word in question. Page 4 Line 6: Please delete the word "selected" or "studied". We deleted the unnecessary word.Page 6 line 7: Please describe how you estimate the errors of P-T. Sources of error considered include: accuracy of the experimentally located, barometric end-member reaction, volume measurement errors, analytical imprecision, uncertainty of electron microprobe standard compositions, thermometer calibration errors, variation in the different mineral assemblage activity models, and compositional heterogeneity of natural minerals (Kohn and Spear, 1991). We clarified the asked method in the 'Geothermo-barometry' section. Page 6 Line 50: "isochor" should be "isochore". We corrected the world in ques...